Exit Planning Institute Investigates Owner Readiness in Nebraska
In 2019, the Exit Planning Institute (EPI) will survey the Nebraska business community and will produce primary research called the State of Owner Readiness™ Report; the report will reveal how prepared Nebraska’s private business owners are for transitioning their businesses to next-generation owners. This research study has been conducted in over ten markets across America, and this year, EPI will provide the local community a first-of-its-kind, inside look at Nebraska’s statewide owner readiness, notable risk factors reducing the potential salability of these companies, and leverageable insights that current owners can use to improve their individual exit success probability.
Nebraska: A Top Ten State for Business
In the CNBC “America’s Top State for Business” Annual Report (released yesterday), Nebraska moved up the ranks with #8 overall score as one the top ten best states for business, citing strength in key factors like economy (B+), cost of doing business (A+), education (A-), and business friendliness (B+). However, this ranking does not indicate that Nebraska owners are transition ready and staged for economic continuity. In fact, one key data point might suggest the opposite.
Scoring D- in Key Performance Category: Access to Capital
While ranked ninth in the nation in Economy, citing factors like job creation, growth, and number of major corporations headquartered in the state, Nebraska ranked a staggering D- in a key transition-relevant category: Access to Capital. CNBC’s Scott Cohn wrote, “Companies go where the money is, and capital flows to some states more than others. We look at venture capital investments by state, as well as traditional bank financing for small and mid-sized businesses.” Falling to a rank of 41 out of 50 states (down from their 2018 rank of 33), access to capital appears to be in decline, an indicator that there is more to be studied and learned about the Cornhusker State’s business continuity probability.
Research Open Now: Nebraska State of Owner Readiness™ Survey Launches
In partnership with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Entrepreneurship and funded by the contributions of local firms including First National Bank of Omaha, Koley Jessen, Lutz & Company, PC, and SilverStone Group, EPI will investigate the state of owner readiness across the state of Nebraska. Business owners are encouraged to participate in this proprietary study; no personal contact information is collected; all individual responses are anonymous and confidential. This study polls 44 questions and takes less than 12 minutes to complete. To participate in the 2019 Nebraska State of Owner Readiness Survey, click this link now. Poll closes soon.
About the Exit Planning Institute:
The Exit Planning Institute (EPI) is a national education company that provides exit planning education, new market research, expansive free online resources, and support to professional advisors and middle market business owners alike. Learn more at https://exit-planning-institute.org/.
The State of Owner Readiness™ survey is an inside look at successful privately held companies from the lens of exit and transition readiness, with the hope that this transparent look at the succession planning strength will help entrepreneurs grow and successfully transition on favorable terms and in doing so, ensure long-term, sustainable economic health in their local communities. EPI partners with likeminded firms interested in spreading exit and succession planning awareness. Download free reports and learn more about the State of Owner Readiness by visiting www.OwnerReadiness.com